Monday, March 21, 2011

Civil War Era Fashion Plate - October 1863 Godey's Lady's Book

Civil War Era Fashion Plate - October 1863 Godey's Lady's Book

Description of Steel Fashion-Plate for October

Fig 1 - Dress of a light golden cuir-colored silk. The skirt is edged with a box-plaited ruffle, and above it is a row of black guipure lace. Rows of guipure insertion are arranged en tablier up the front of the skirt, and in bands and pointed devices round the skirt. The corsage is made with points in front, and a square jockey at the back. The sleeves are cut with an elbow; and both sleeves and corsage richly trimmed with guipure insertion. A narrow fluted ruff is round the neck of the dress, fastened in front by a clerical bow. The hair is arranged over a roller in front, and ornamented with a scarlet velvet bow.

Fig 2 - Dinner-dress of Irish poplin. The skirt is trimmed with narrow ruffles of pinked silk, the exact shade of the dress. These ruffles are about three-quarters of a yard long, and arranged slanting on the skirt; each ruffle is headed by a fancy trimming formed of narrow black velvet, and finished off at the top by a bow of narrow velvet. The corsage is low, and made with a bertha, trimmed to match the skirt. The guimpe and sleeves are of embroidered French muslin, finished with muslin ruffs. The hair is rolled in front, and arranged in a waterfall at the back, tied with a blue ribbon. A broad plait encircles the hood and fastens beneath the waterfall.

Fig 3 - Child's dress of white pique, embroidered in white and red, and trimmed with a box-plaited trimming of scarlet worsted braid. The dress is low, and with short sleeves. The guimpe is of fine French muslin.

Fig 4 - Dress of black alpaca, trimmed with crimson velvet cut in leaves, and arranged as a bordering above the hem of the skirt and round the jacket. The sleeves are cut with an elbow, and trimmed with velvet and drop buttons to match the waist. The hair is parted on one side, and arranged in a braid at the back.

Fig 5 - Dinner dress of lavender silk, with a narrow fluting on the edge of the skirt. The overskirt is of a rich black silk, cut in deep points, trimmed with thread lace, and headed by a narrow bugle trimming. The corsage is made in one piece, although it has the appearance of a black jacket over a lavender silk waist. It is trimmed with black lace, which forms a jockey at the back. The hair is dressed in rolls and puffs, and ornamented with flowers.

Fig 6 - Visiting dress of a rich green silk. The skirt is cut a half yard short, deeply pointed, and trimmed with narrow velvet. Under this skirt is fastened a deep flounce, set on with a little fulness, and very elegantly braided with black velvet. The corsage, sleeves, and sash are braided to match.

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